What DON'T work:
Milk: Milk is delicious but if your having breathing problems lay off of it temporarily. The viscosity of milk is thicker than water and can produce mucus in the cell walls of the lungs and you don't want that.
Dust: Stay out of dusty or places with high humidity
Heat: If you feel an asthma attack coming on, stay out of the heat and get close to an air conditioner
Black mold: Make sure you don't have black mold in your vents of your window air conditioner unit so you won't be breathing the spores while you sleep or in a different room.
Certain types of medications inflame the body and cause mucus production/inflammation. (For example, the birth control shot. Ask anyone you know that's had the Dep* shot and they will tell you that they gained 5-15 lbs after taking the shot).
Don't wear thick polyester clothes, wear something that lets your body breath like cotton or rayon material.
Longevity: Great Health https://www.godsmedicinalherbs.com/product-page/longevity-great-health This product has excellent anti-inflammatory properties that will prevent your airways from becoming swollen and inflamed so the muscles around the airways won't contract and prevents the airways from producing extra mucus, causing the breathing (bronchial) tubes to narrow when taken on a regular basis.
Covid-19 Fighter: If you suffer from Covid 19 virus, immediately get on the product Covid-19 Fighter to prevent it from spreading and going to the lungs. The way the Covid virus works is, it gets ingested through micro-droplets that makes its way to the stomach then travels to the lower intestines where it marinates and replicates. If you catch it in the first 3 days with our product, you won't develop a cough. Your lower intestines has EVERYTHING to do with your lungs so if virus is not caught in time it overloads your liver with mucus and then your lymphatic system sends it to your lungs. Children are able very easily to fight it off because they normally don't have staph, hpv, auto-immune, sickle or other viruses that tax the liver. All we (GodsMedicinalHerbs.com) do is keep the virus from replicating with an herb while cleansing the blood with another herb so you'll never have a positive test while taking our product.
Garlic supplement: Garlic is high in natural Sulfur, when ingested the garlic heats up in the stomach and the vapor soothes the air passages while you work or sleep. It also puts great natural bacteria in the digestive system and makes you feel great. Add vitamin B complex to this as well to regulate the kidneys. The medical industry is aware of the importance of Sulfur which is why they use it in their anti-biotics like the medicine Bactr*m. They mimic God's Work so they can charge you a larger premium.
Honey: Honey is also The Good Lord's liquid gold, it has great soothing natural ingredients that sooth a cough. It's got great anti-inflammatory properties as well.
Caffeine: Products that are high in caffeine will open the air passages fairly quickly but be careful, they are usually high in corn oil and sugar. Un-flavored coffee is a good source. Pulmonary doctors will actually write you out a prescription for caffeine because they know it dilates the lungs.
Chinese Hot & Sour Soup: This particular soup is high in Cayenne pepper and works as a decongestant to break up any kind of mucus in your respiratory stem in the beef broth. Make sure you carefully eat it hot to reap the benefits.
Chiwauwau: I can't explain the principle of how it works but it does. Doctor's will tell you don't get a dog because it sheds, however what they are not telling you is this: If you get a Deerhead or Applehead chiwauwau, in 2-3 weeks time that dog will start developing a cough or allergy like conditions. You'll also notice that you haven't had any asthma attacks or used your breathing inhaler lately either. What's going on is, your asthma is transferring to the dog, you've just developed a new best friend and your health is better and breathing issues are disappearing.
Exercise: Have you ever heard, "if you don't use it you loose it"? It's true. Get you some form of cardio exercise 2-3 times a week to strengthen your lung muscles. You can even drive to the walking track at sunset to prevent overheating.
Vaporizer: If your having breathing issues, you can put a couple ice cubes in the reservoir before you pour the water in and it will chill the water while you secure it beside your bed and sleep.
Link to products: https://www.godsmedicinalherbs.com/complete-collection-of-gmh-products