Before I begin, first let me say God's Ten Commandments take priority over any of the Spiritual laws you will see and hear.
The Spiritual laws were developed so human beings would "thrive" at their own creativeness and be their own creator, little "c", because we are suppose to take after the Creator (The Living God, we are made in His Image and make something Righteous to be proud of.
It is very important that all Books that were Inspired by God are relevant and to be considered when seeing the whole picture when seeking The Father and Wisdom. This includes The Bible and all the Books that were left out of the Bible like Maccabees, The Gospel of Thomas, The Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees and more. As we know recently Ron Wyatt was credited for finding the True Ark of the Covenant, God's Ten Commandments Tablets, The Table of Showbread, Moses's Staff, Goliath's sword and 4 of God's Angels in the Cave of Jeremiah which gives credit to Maccabees.
Matthew 7:7 KJV Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (end)
A great example is, as you remember Nikola Tesla built the giant towers to send "free electricity" around the world, his work was stolen and towers demolished.
The Spiritual laws are kept secret in the vault of the Vat*c*n so civilization will stay in bondage just as the Hebrew slaves of Egypt worked for Pharaoh in the past before Moses delivered them their freedom. The laws will be announced in no certain order.
Laws (Updated 5/23/2023)
1) What ever you lay your hands on and work with, you have Wisdom of and over it.
2) Transference, who ever you hang out with they will be like you and you them. Meaning if you hang out with a thief, your going to develop thieving ways. If you hang out with a real estate agent, your going to be one. Hang out with a nurse, ... Illness transfer: If you get a chihuahua and let him/her sit in your lap, you will notice your asthma will transfer to the beautiful dog and your breathing problems will get better. The dog's will get worse. Another example, 1 set of twin babies, one was about dead and the doctor told the mother to say her goodbye's she did not, infact she put the dieing twin with the good healthy one and the sick one got well. They separated them again and he started dieing so they put them back together and they both grew up healthy.
3) The animals know the cures. Watch them! When baby birds are born you will see the momma bird bring the babies an herb that will heal conjunctivitis meaning it will open their eyes. I think you'll notice they won't usually eat anything red except for watermelon.
4) Food, take only what you need for today, for tomorrow will take care of itself.
5) "Mystery of the Opposites"- Sir Isaac Newton touched on this principal when he said "for every action there is an equal and 'opposite' reaction". Have you ever heard the government developed a spacecraft that flies but its not suppose to? Get 2 large speaker magnets and attempt to put them ontop of each other but turn them so that their magnetic poles are opposite than the other and watch what happens. Another example, the Disciples went fishing and they were casting their fishing nets on the left side of the boat, for hours they caught nothing.
Then Jesus replies in John 21:6 KJV "And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes." (end)
Hence the "right" side is opposite of the "left". Another example, God destroyed the earth by water the first time and we know fire is next. (Opposite) You have 2 Books, The Bible is the Divine Inspired Word of God where He gives His Righteous Son to pay for the sins of the world so we won't perish, then there is another book not mentioned that is the opposite. Another example, you have 2 rainbows, The first is God's 7 color Rainbow His Covenant that He will never destroy the earth by water again. Then there is Satan's 6 color rainbow (lacking indigo) representing homosexuality etc. Another example, there are 2 qty "Garden of Eden's". In the Bible it states, Genesis 2:10 KJV "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads." (end) Referring to where 4 rivers intersect, the Pishon, the Gihon, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The rivers that are currently named on the 2023 map today are in the Persian Gulf, however, the U.S. changed the maps in 1958 so there is another set of the same named 4 rivers in another country. In my opinion, they did so, so that people could not find the largest treasure in history, because some would speculate the Bible reads like a "treasure map". Another example, Alaska fisherman get finned by the barbed catfish from time to time so they know the anti-dote is on the belly of the catfish then the pain is gone. (Another) Where ever you see poison oak or poison ivy, the herb plantain or another anti-dote will be within 3 to 7 feet of it.
(More to come)
6) Indebted to you/Unconditional Love Law: If you save an animal or reptile from death, it knew at that point until you intervened, it was going to die because it has a conscience and a spirit (not a soul), you saved the animal and it is indebted to you. So say its a crocodile, that reptile will follow you but will NEVER bite you nor harm you in any way. Same goes for a lion, cheetah or bird. Pretty cool huh? Baby deer
7) The Unseen World: (2nd Corinthians 4:18 KJV) Animals (dogs, cats, etc) can see the "Unseen World", demons and spirits that's why when you see your chihuahua looking up at the upper corner of the room and barking violently and we see nothing is there, there is an unclean spirit there but its not meant for us to see. The house needs to be blessed. (More to come)
8) Blessing or Curse Law: Every generation is a blessing or a curse to the one behind it. For example, Cain's generation are the only people that spends at least $50 million dollars on wigs each year. No disrespect intended to anyone.
9) Law of Hierarchy(4/23/2023)- Even the Angels in Heaven have a hyarchy all the way down to the Ant Kingdom. (The Queen ant all the way to the garbage ant). The soldier bees and servant bees makes honey for the queen bee.. Without a hierarchy the kingdom will become divided and it will fall just as the Tower of Babel fell or worse. Every plant has a hierarchy, every tree, every kind of mushroom etc so when your body is not healing correctly, its probably because you DIDN'T eat something organic or God made. Judges 13:7 Daniel 1:12-16
10) Power of the Ancient Tongue/ the 2 "Houses" become 1" The Gospel of Thomas verse 48 Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in a single house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move from here!' and it will move." (end) The 2 "Houses" that are referred to in the Gospel of Thomas are Heart and Soul. (The Soul, the head) and (Heart, where the HS lives, the HS is the "Power Source" to the heart Psalm 51:13) "All things that you ask straightly, directly... from inside my name, you will be given. Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire that your gladness be full." (More Coming Soon!)
11) Law of freqency/vibration (Coming Soon!)
12) History Repeats itself: Gene manipulation/DNA splicing was practiced by the fallen Angels and they are still at work except for the one located below the Euphrates River/Euphrates Dam. The Titans were turned to stone during the 2nd Judgement but some of the Men of Renown were already underground at the time survived. You will be hearing of sightings of red haired giants in the near future. (There is exciting news coming...)
13) Projection/Project your Future (Coming Soon!)
14) The Law of "To Know You": In Genesis 4:1 KJV, it talks about Adam "knew" his wife again. Interpretation, they had sex, so next time you read it in different passages you will know. In nature and in a different sense, God's creatures will serve you if you let them get to know your personality and interact with them. Animals teach their offspring to fear humans unless you catch them around birth. For example, a bird falls out of a tree, he does not know you but will run for cover because of survival instinct. Now if you catch this bird and feed it moist dog food and water, it will view you as its family or "mother" if you will. There will be no fear. You casually take a walk outside and as it lovingly sits on your shoulders, other birds from 200ft way see this and will attempt to land on you as well. This is "Transferance." 1 Kings 17:6(end). If you befriend an otter or beaver it will bring you fish from the pond...