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God's Medicinal Herbs is a family owned business that sells the freshest 100% organic healing herbal products found on the market today.  We brought back the hidden art of ayurvedic and herbal healing practiced back in the Biblical days that exceeds the western nutrition we have today.  These GMH products work within minutes, not days and they have no dangerous chemicals nor side effects when taken as directed.

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In the Beginning...

As an 8 year old boy, I received alot of painful 2 inch penicillin shots in the doctor's office and later when we went to Sunday school, I remember the teacher preaching "the herbs are for the healing of the nations."  The Bible never lies so I knew there was a solution.  The Bible tells us that they dressed in "Fig leaves" when they partook of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil so hence "Fig". I later found out a special type of wasp borrows her parasite babies in the fruit. Their eyes were "opened" because they ingested a parasite, now they are unclean.  In Christianity, we consider Christ as the "Tree of Life", but there was an actual Tree.  If you will follow the "bread crumbs" over to Exodus 15:25(end) you will see it. There's only one herb that will do that.

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Wisdom Rewarded:

Starting when I was 16, I ordered 1 foreign herb once every 3-4 weeks to see how it affected my body.  I knew that the U.S. was hybriding plants so I stayed away from that.  As I ordered each individual herb, a unique event would unfold, unlike the one before.  If the herb was meant to be given to someone, the event would usually go down within 4 hours of getting it out of the mailbox and an unplanned reaction would come from me offering the merchandise for their situation.  If I hadn't of offered the new product I order from Singapore to the type 2 diabetic, I wouldn't have know it heals diabetes. If I hadnt have ordered the African herb and offered it to the person with diverticulitis I wouldnt known it heals Crohn's disease and eliminates the need for a colostomy bag, it also heals stomach ulcers.  If I hadn't of order the herb for eczema for my arm, I wouldn't have known it turns directly into estrogen in the blood, increases breast size, heals female reproductive organs but it gives men a HUGE case of E.D. lol and is NOT meant for them. :-D

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Abraham l'appelait « le Dieu éternel » Genèse 21 : 33

IL a séparé les eaux douces des eaux salées de l'océan, elles se rencontreront mais ne se mélangeront jamais.

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Meet this genetic marker in English they call Laminine.  The molecule Laminin is the protein that hold human beings together.  Its shape is no coincidence.  Isn't it remarkable that God would think so far in the future and hold us together with something that reminds us of Jesus. God formed you to not only live as an image of Christ but to never escape the fact that you are His!  We are branded with the Cross, as you can see It is the very molecule that holds our cells together like rebar!. 
          "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together" Colossians 1:17

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